Renal Week
The International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) and the American College of Veterinary Nephrology and Urology (ACVNU) combine to present the bi-annual IRIS-ACVNU Renal Week and Extracorporeal Boot Camp
Over the past 20 years, Renal Week has become recognized internationally as the premiere educational offering for kidney diseases in animals. Renal week offers cutting-edge presentations, the latest research discoveries, and hands-on laboratory sessions ensuring a comprehensive learning opportunity.
The conference provides an outstanding opportunity to interact with fellow colleagues with a devoted interest in nephrology and extracorporeal therapies. Renal Week will stimulate both the novice and experienced practitioner. There are scholarship opportunities for trainees with a directed interest in nephrology or extracorporeal treatments.
Extracorporeal Boot Camp is a traditional complement to IRIS Renal Week, providing an introduction and overview of hemodialysis, CRRT, and therapeutic aphaeresis to the newcomer with a burgeoning interest or curiosity about extracorporeal therapies. This 2 1/2-day program will feature lecture instruction and hands-on laboratory sessions demonstrating the applications and principles of these exciting therapies.
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